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API reference for Vendr.Core.Models in Vendr, the eCommerce solution for Umbraco v8+

Vendr.Core.Models namespace

Public Type Description
Extensions methods for DiscountedPrice entities
The base class of an aggregate entity
abstract class AggregateStateBase
abstract class AliasNamePair
Represents an Alias + Name combination
class Amount
A Vendr amount object
abstract class AmountAdjustment<TSelf>
abstract class AmountAdjustment
class Country
class Currency
static class CurrencyExtensions
class Discount
abstract class EntityBase<TState>
Base class for a Vendr entity
abstract class EntityBase
Base class for a Vendr entity
abstract class EntityStateBase
A Vendr amount formatted for the given amount Currency
A Vendr price formatted for the given prices Currency
class GiftCard
interface IAmount
interface IChangingValue
interface IDeletable
interface IHasName
interface IHasStore
interface IPrice
interface IProductSnapshot
static class Iso4217
interface ISortable
enum MatchType
class Order
A Vendr writable Order entity
The customer information for a Vendr order
A Vendr read only Order Line entity
The payment information for a Vendr order
A Vendr read only Order entity
The shipping information for a Vendr order
The transaction information for a Vendr order
Represents a paged result for a model collection
abstract class PagedResultBase
Represents a paged result for a model collection
class Price
A Vendr price object
abstract class PriceAdjustment<TSelf>
abstract class PriceAdjustment
A Vendr Product Attribute entity
A Vendr read only Product Attribute Preset entity
A Vendr read only Product Attribute entity
abstract class ProductSnapshotBase
class Property
class Region
class Store
The base class of Store based aggregate entity
abstract class StoreAggregateStateBase
abstract class StoreEntityStateBase
class TaxClass
class TaxRate
class TaxSource
class TotalPrice
abstract class ValueObjectBase
Base class for an immutable Vendr value object
abstract class VendrSettingDefinition

Vendr.Core.Models.Reporting namespace

Public Type Description
class CartTotals

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