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Moderating Reviews

Managing and moderating reviews in Vendr Reviews, an add-on package for Vendr, the eCommerce solution for Umbraco v8+

With the Vendr Reviews package installed, any new reviews will require moderation before they are allowed to be displayed on the actual site.

Store Dashboard

To see today's reviews that require your attention, you can find these listed directly on the Vendr store dashboard.

Vendr Reviews Dashboard

Clicking on the X reviews are awaiting approval link will send you to a pre-filtered list of reviews needing approval.

You can also find review activity displayed in the activity feed on the store dashboard. Clicking on an entry here will take your directly to that review for moderating.

Reviews Section

To see / managed all the reviews for a store, you can find these in a new Reviews section underneath the store node in the Commerce section. Clicking on the section will display a list of all reviews for this store.

Vendr Reviews List

To help locate reviews of interest, you can use the filters to filter the list by status and / or rating, and you can also search for a review by typing in the search field.

When you have located the review you wish to moderate, you can click the review to open the review editor.

Vendr Review Edit

From here you can Approve / Decline a review, provide a followup response and also edit the original review should there be any spelling mistakes you'd like to correct before displaying them on the website.

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