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API reference for IHasWritableServicePrices<TAggregate> in Vendr, the eCommerce solution for Umbraco v8+


public interface IHasWritableServicePrices<TAggregate> : IHasReadableServicePrices




ClearCountryPriceForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearCountryPriceForCurrency(CountryReadOnly country, CurrencyReadOnly currency)

ClearCountryPriceForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearCountryPriceForCurrency(Guid countryId, Guid currencyId)

ClearDefaultPriceForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearDefaultPriceForCurrency(CurrencyReadOnly currency)

ClearDefaultPriceForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearDefaultPriceForCurrency(Guid currencyId)

ClearPricesForCountry (1 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearPricesForCountry(CountryReadOnly country, CurrencyReadOnly currency = null)

ClearPricesForCountry (2 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearPricesForCountry(Guid countryId, Guid? currencyId = default(Guid?))

ClearPricesForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearPricesForCurrency(CurrencyReadOnly currency)

ClearPricesForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearPricesForCurrency(Guid currencyId)

ClearPricesForRegion (1 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearPricesForRegion(RegionReadOnly region, CurrencyReadOnly currency = null)

ClearPricesForRegion (2 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearPricesForRegion(Guid countryId, Guid regionId, 
    Guid? currencyId = default(Guid?))

ClearRegionPriceForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearRegionPriceForCurrency(RegionReadOnly region, CurrencyReadOnly currency)

ClearRegionPriceForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate ClearRegionPriceForCurrency(Guid countryId, Guid regionId, Guid currencyId)

SetCountryPriceForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate SetCountryPriceForCurrency(CountryReadOnly country, CurrencyReadOnly currency, 
    decimal value)

SetCountryPriceForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate SetCountryPriceForCurrency(Guid countryId, Guid currencyId, decimal value)

SetDefaultPriceForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate SetDefaultPriceForCurrency(CurrencyReadOnly currency, decimal value)

SetDefaultPriceForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate SetDefaultPriceForCurrency(Guid currencyId, decimal value)

SetRegionPriceForCurrency (1 of 2)

public TAggregate SetRegionPriceForCurrency(RegionReadOnly region, CurrencyReadOnly currency, 
    decimal value)

SetRegionPriceForCurrency (2 of 2)

public TAggregate SetRegionPriceForCurrency(Guid countryId, Guid regionId, Guid currencyId, 
    decimal value)

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