Defines the Vendr Price Freezer service
public interface IPriceFreezerService
Freezes the given price
public void FreezePrice(Guid orderId, string key, FreezablePrice price)
Parameter | Description |
orderId |
The ID of the Order the price is associated with |
key |
The key to assign the frozen price to |
price |
The price to freeze |
Gets a frozen prices that matches the given criteria
public FreezablePrice GetFrozenPrice(Guid orderId, string key, Guid currencyId,
Guid? countryId = default(Guid?), Guid? regiondId = default(Guid?))
Parameter | Description |
orderId |
The ID of the Order the price is associated with |
key |
The key or partial key of the frozen price |
currencyId |
The ID of the Currency of the frozen price |
countryId |
The ID of the Country of the frozen price |
regiondId |
The ID of the Region of the frozen price |
Thaws any frozen prices that match the given criteria
public void ThawPrices(Guid? orderId = default(Guid?), string partialKey = null,
Guid? currencyId = default(Guid?), Guid? countryId = default(Guid?),
Guid? regiondId = default(Guid?), DateTime? olderThan = default(DateTime?))
Parameter | Description |
orderId |
The ID of the Order the prices are associated with |
partialKey |
A partial key of the frozen prices |
currencyId |
The ID of the Currency of the frozen prices |
countryId |
The ID of the Country of the frozen prices |
regiondId |
The ID of the Region of the frozen price |
olderThan |
A Date representing the maximum age of the frozen prices |