An added side effect of having ReadOnly and Writable entities is that all of an entities write operations are now performed via methods, rather than property setters, enabling to us convert Vendr's write API in a fluent API.
Writing fluently
Where we could perform a write operation as follows
using(var uow = _uowProvider.Create())
// Fetch the currency
var currency = _currencyService.GetCurrency(currencyId);
// Convert the currency into it's Writable form
var writableCurrency = currency.AsWritable(uow);
// Perform the write operation
writableCurrency.SetName("New Name");
// Persist the changes to the database
// Close the transaction
...if we preferred, we could simplify this further by defining these actions fluently, chaining all of the entity methods into a succinct command sequence as follows
using(var uow = _uowProvider.Create())
var currency = _currencyService.GetCurrency(currencyId)
.SetName("New Name");
We know not everyone likes to write their code fluently and so the Vendr Fluent API is a completely optional feature. Both code examples above are valid coding styles which will both work as well as each other. The Fluent API is an opt-in layer of syntax sugar that developers can use depending on their preferred style of coding.